In the beginning

Events with Catherine aka EWC put simply is a love letter to the last 15 years of my life.

Like all good love stories, it’s best to start at the beginning. I first fell in love with events back in 2007 when I was getting ready to turn 18 and level up to official adult status. This meant I had to leave arguable one of the best, first jobs ever, which was working at the cinemas (where you have popcorn and movies on the daily) for the ‘glamourous’ life of bartending and hospitality.

As the saying goes, the grass isn’t always greener on the other side but in my case I got lucky. The change was everything I thought it was going to be and more. I picked up a summer job working in a restaurant directly across from the beautiful Shoal Bay. I remember the first time I drove around the corner and saw the sunlight dancing (no joke) across the water - it was perfect! Every time I go back there, I still get the same feeling - excitement, awe and disbelief that something so damn pretty is only a short drive away.

I made an amazing group of friends and worked mostly 6 days on split shifts and loved every second. At 18, your ability to work all day then party all night and repeat with little sleep is something I will never know how I managed to survive. But I did! While the restaurant shifts were the same - breakfast, lunch, dinner, repeat - every other weekend I was fortunate enough to work a wedding and this is where my love for events really took off…


The three W’s